I Didn't Vote For Him Either, But Give The Guy A Chance!
I am really getting tired of all the gloom and doom I am hearing every day about the economy and the Economic Stimulus Bill! Republican after republican after republican is stepping up to the microphone and telling anyone who will listen that the president's bill is a big mistake and will not be successful in turning our economy around. News story after news story after news story is relating to anyone who will listen that our recession will get worse, much worse, before it gets better. Don't these people understand that they are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Every time America hears more dire predictions, people vow to spend less money. When people spend less money, businesses suffer. When businesses suffer, they lose money. When businesses lose money, they have to take cost-saving measures. When cost-saving measures are taken, employees take pay cuts or lose their jobs. When employees have less money or no job, they will spend less, businesses will suffer, and, lo and behold, the economy will get worse!!
News agencies are supposed to report the news. The problem is, nothing seems to be considered news worthy unless it is bad. I understand that a lot of bad is happening in our economy right now, but I also know that a lot of good is happening and no one is reporting it. Or, if they do report it, it is buried so deep that it would take Vasco de Gama to find it! There is a company that is planning a new facility close to where I live that will employ 200 people. Does this good news make the front page or the first two minutes of the nightly news? Absolutely not! Both newspaper and broadcast news are much to busy reporting the company that is laying off 57 workers.
And let us not just pick on the news media. Our politicians are just as bad if not worse. It is time for the GOP to back off of all the criticism of the Obama team because they are just making everything worse. Every time they rant and rave about how the stimulus will not work and is bad for the country, they are perpetuating the self-fulfilling prophecy. I didn't vote for the man, but enough others did to elect him president. So let's just let him be the president, do what he thinks is right and find out if he is as smart as we all hope him to be. The GOP has nothing to lose! If it works and we get this country going again, everybody is better off! And isn't that really what all politicians should put first, the health of the country? (I know, a little Pollyanna-ish, but come on, we have to start putting the country and its people first sometime!) And if the stimulus fails, THEN the GOP can stand up and beat their chests and say "We told you so!" and start working toward 2012.
I call on every news outlet in the country to start leading with a success story, a good news story, a "business is still pretty good" story every single day! Start telling people about the good things that are happening, including the stimulus package, and watch the pessimism vanish and the economy turn around. People want leadership, and always concentrating on the negative is NOT leadership, it is undermining!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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